Conceptualizing Generation and Transformation in Women’s Writing


  • Urszula Chowaniec
  • Marzenna Jakubczak

Słowa kluczowe:

comparative studies, cultural studies, Eastern/Oriental culture, East–West discourse, generation, peripheral perspective, philosophy and literature, postcolonial studies, post-communist studies, postdependency, transformation, women’s writing


Contribution of co-authors: (1) contribution to the general conception of the introductory paper as well as the whole issue, including the assumptions, objectives, topic range, and selection of methods (U.C. 50%; M.J. 50%); (2) contribution to preparation and editing of three papers concerning the writing of the Central and East European authors (U.C. 90%; M.J. 10%); (3) contribution to preparation and editing of the other seven papers collected in this volume (U.C. 10%; M.J. 90%). The research of Urszula Chowaniec was funded by National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, Poland) within the project (no. DEC1-2011/01/B/HS2/01190): “The Ruined Bodies of the (e)Migrants, Tourists and Travellers in Contemporary Polish Women’s Writing (1989-2010). Analyses of Themes of Migration, Homelessness, Melancholy and Dislocation in Literature Written by Women”.

