Fenomenologiczna post-narracja. Szkic o fenomenologii Henri Maldineya


  • Monika Murawska

Słowa kluczowe:

phenomenology, a work of art, rhizome, event appearance, narration


Phenomenological post-narrative. An essay on the phenomenology of Henri Maldiney: The paper attempts to outline the fundamental theses of Henri Maldiney’s new phenomenology. The first part presents the style of Maldiney’s discourse to emphasise its significance. The second outlines a rudimentary concept of subjectivity that can be “drawn” from Maldiney’s texts, and the basic categories of this phenomenology, including the concepts of “event” and “encounter”. The third part shows the complexity of this discourse and reconstructs Maldiney’s descriptions of selected phenomena, such as the Matterhorn and a 12th-century miniature depicting the enthroned Christ. Ultimately, the author of the article tries to demonstrate that Maldiney’s phenomenology focuses not only on the question of “what”, but also “how”. The form of his texts, their dispersion, and purposefully unsystematic construction all become a part of them. Just like a work of art, the form turns out to be inseparable from the content and becomes its very essence.


