Die Kehre als völlige Umwendung des Menschen. Von der Verwirklichung des „mystischen” Antriebs der Phänomenologie im Denken Martin Heideggers
Słowa kluczowe:
Martin Heidegger, Edmund Husserl, phenomenology, complete transformation, the turn, mysticism, philosophy of transformationAbstrakt
The turn as the complete transformation of a human being. On the realization of the “mystical” impetus of phenomenology in Martin Heidegger’s thought: The article first outlines Edmund Husserl’s idea of “complete transformation” (völlige Umwendung) and the philosophy of “the turn” (Kehre) of Martin Heidegger. In the following chapter it is shown that you can understand both Husserl as well as Heidegger in the light of “the essential turn” in the German mysticism of the fourteenth century. In this way it becomes clear that Husserl’s idea of a “complete transformation” seems to be a forgotten “mystical” impetus of phenomenology, which was much more realized by Martin Heidegger than by Husserl. In this way Heidegger’s philosophy of “the turn” appears as an important modern approach of the mystical philosophy of transformation.