Oblicza polskiego liberalizmu: formowanie się krakowskiego środowiska chrześcijańskich liberałów
https://doi.org/10.24917/20841043.8.1.3Słowa kluczowe:
Mirosław Dzielski, Robert Kaczmarek, Merkuryusz Krakowski i Światowy, Christian liberalismAbstrakt
Faces of liberalism: formation of a Christian liberal community in Krakow: The aim of the essay is to show the birth of the Kraków liberal community in the years 1977-1980. An attempt is made to reconstruct the main ideological assumptions of the liberal entourage in the context of the opposition activities of Robert Kaczmarek and Mirosław Dzielski. The author refers to the main events occurring in this period, such as the establishment of the Prywatna Inicjatywa Krakowska (Private Cracow Initiative) and the magazine Merkuryusz Krakowski i Światowy, as well as paying special attention to the program texts that were published in it. The article also contains a reconstruction of the debate aimed at classifying the views presented by Mirosław Dzielski.