Zrozumieć emocje — pozorna kontradykcja. Na marginesie książki Andrzeja Dąbrowskiego Źródła, natura i funkcje emocji
https://doi.org/10.24917/20841043.10.1.13Słowa kluczowe:
emotions, Leon Petrażycki, moral and legal norms, psychic phenomenaAbstrakt
Understanding emotions — an apparent contradiction. Comments on Andrzej Dąbrowski’s Origins, nature and functions of emotions: This paper offers some polemical comments on Andrzej Dąbrowski’s recently published book Origins, nature and functions of emotions. The background for reflection is Leon Petrażycki’s theory of emotions (Warszawa 2019). The author aims to evaluate Dąbrowski’s presentation of an influential Polish philosopher Leon Petrażycki (1867-1931), considered an important forerunner of the psychosocial theory of law or legal psychologism, who initiated a long‐lasting debate on the role and meaning of emotions.