Radykalność filozofii. Rozważania wokół książki Pawła Kłoczowskiego Rewolucja kartezjańska i inne szkice
https://doi.org/10.24917/20841043.10.2.13Słowa kluczowe:
Paweł Kłoczowski, Friedrich Nietzsche, Leszek Kołakowski, social and political philosophy, nihilism, culture, truthAbstrakt
The radical nature of philosophy. Reflections on Paweł Kłoczowski’s book Cartesian revolution and other sketches: This paper offers a polemical discussion on Paweł Kłoczowski’s recently published book concerning the so‐called Cartesian revolution and other issues in social and political philosophy. The author presents Kłoczowski as the ideological heir of Leszek Kołakowski (1927-2009), and simultaneously a virtuoso of Polish philosophical essay writing. She demonstrates how topical, and at the same time timeless, are those problems considered by Kłoczowski. In doing so, she examines the inspirations of Kłoczowski and highlights some of his arguments: ones seemingly still stimulating triggers for our thinking.